An Atomic Database for Spectroscopic Diagnostics of Astrophysical Plasmas.

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George Mason University (USA) - University of Michigan (USA) - University of Cambridge (UK) - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (USA)

CHIANTI Team Members

From left to right:

Giulio Del-Zanna - Peter Young - Ken Dere - Massimo Landini - Enrico Landi - Helen Mason

The CHIANTI project was originally set up by Dr. Ken Dere of the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, Dr. Helen Mason of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at the University of Cambridge, and Prof. Brunella Monsignori-Fossi of the Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory in Florence, Italy. Former students of Dr. Monsignori-Fossi (Dr. Enrico Landi) and Dr. Mason (Dr. Peter Young) helped in the creation of the database. The sad and unexpected death of Dr. Monsignori-Fossi in January 1995, led to Prof. Massimo Landini, a close associate of Dr. Monsignori-Fossi, becoming the new CHIANTI representative in Florence.

Additional collaborations have involved Dr. Dave Pike of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL), who has converted the CHIANTI routines to run within the environment of the CDS software; Dr. Gordon Bromage, Dr. Barbara Bromage and her former student Dr. Giulio Del Zanna of the University of Central Lancashire, and Dr. K.J.H. Phillips.

Prof. Ken Dere is now at George Mason University (USA), Prof. Enrico Landi is at the University of Michigan (USA), Dr. Giulio Del Zanna, is at the University of Cambridge (UK), and Dr. Peter Young is at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. They all continue to be active collaborators in the CHIANTI project.

CHIANTI team receives award from the Royal Astronomical Society!

On January 8 2010 the CHIANTI team were awarded the Group Achievement Award for Geophysics by the Royal Astronomical Society (UK). The citation was:

"The Group Achievement Award for Geophysics is given to the CHIANTI consortium, the team of scientists who have developed the 'Atomic Database for Spectroscopic Diagnostics of Astrophysical Plasmas.' This is a powerful tool for scientists who use the dispersion of light by wavelength (spectroscopy) to measure the properties of astronomical objects, including their composition, temperature, density and magnetic field strength. The analysis requires detailed knowledge of a large range of atomic elements. The CHIANTI consortium's achievement is the establishment of a systematic, easy-to-use and publically available database to assist this process, with a huge impact on solar and stellar physics."

A full press release is available from the RAS website.