Citations to the CHIANTI papersOne measure of the success of CHIANTI is through the number of citations to the CHIANTI papers in the scientific literature. The information below has been extracted from the ADS abstracts service. Total number of citations to CHIANTI papers: 4824*. Full list of papers that cite the CHIANTI papers. Number of citations per year to the CHIANTI papers: Summary of the major refereed journals that the citing papers have appeared in:
This table shows the location of the first authors of the papers. The information is extracted from the affiliations of the authors stored in ADS. Of the 2805 papers, 2659 affiliations could be extracted. There are 41 countries in the list.
*- Some papers cite more than one of the CHIANTI papers, thus leading to multiple citations from a single paper. The columns above give the number of citing papers. The total number of such papers is 2805. Mon Jan 6 10:26:40 2025 |